get to know us

get to know us

Our Vision

Because Jesus is real, we are a family of faith, fully engaged, allowing the Spirit to transform our students through learning that is Godly, relational, and reproducible.

love god, love people, love out loud

love god, love people,
love out loud

school culture

school culture

Word and Worship

We trust in the Biblical God.


We are empowered by and dependent on the Holy Spirit.

Community & Unity

We partner with parents.

Philosophy & Community

We are all in, all the time, especially for each other.

Ethics & Sacrifice

We always give love, even when it hurts.

Grace & Formation

We are all in a process.

Communication & Grace

We keep clear relationships.

Wisdom & Understanding

We are proficient in all the disciplines.


Here are our passionate educators; committed to fostering academic excellence and spiritual growth in every student.

Here are our passionate educators; committed to fostering academic excellence and spiritual growth in every student.

Mrs. Back


Mrs. Back


Mrs. Back


Mrs. Beitel

5th Grade

Mrs. Beitel

5th Grade

Mrs. Beitel

5th Grade

Mrs. Urbalejo

3rd Grade

Mrs. Urbalejo

3rd Grade

Mrs. Urbalejo

3rd Grade

Mrs. Dayal

4th Grade

Mrs. Dayal

4th Grade

Mrs. Dayal

4th Grade

Mrs. Dutton

Support Staff

Mrs. Dutton

Support Staff

Mrs. Dutton

Support Staff

Mr. Esquerra

K-8 Vice Principal

Mr. Esquerra

K-8 Vice Principal

Mr. Esquerra

K-8 Vice Principal

Ms. Hernandez

Support Staff

Ms. Hernandez

Support Staff

Ms. Hernandez

Support Staff

Mr. Urbalejo

Support Staff

Mr. Urbalejo

Support Staff

Mr. Urbalejo

Support Staff

Mrs. Jackson

2nd Grade

Mrs. Jackson

2nd Grade

Mrs. Jackson

2nd Grade

Mrs. Mangen


Mrs. Mangen


Mrs. Mangen


Mrs. O'Campo

1st Grade

Mrs. O'Campo

1st Grade

Mrs. O'Campo

1st Grade

Mrs. Peterson


Mrs. Peterson


Mrs. Peterson


Ms. Snyder


Ms. Snyder


Ms. Snyder


Mrs. Swearingen


Mrs. Swearingen


Mrs. Swearingen


Mrs. Taylor

Support Staff

Mrs. Taylor

Support Staff

Mrs. Taylor

Support Staff

Mrs. Wade

Support Staff

Mrs. Wade

Support Staff

Mrs. Wade

Support Staff