Admissions Policy

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates".

(Deuteronomy 6:4-9 NIV)

The Ministry of Calvary Chapel Christian School is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by supporting families who have responded to the call of the Lord and who are applying this exhortation from Deuteronomy in the lives of each family member. While many other Arizona Christian schools are effectively ministering to their students and families as an outreach to believers and unbelievers alike, our particular call is to equip the children of like-minded, committed, Christian parents in order that these children may glorify God spiritually, academically, and socially.

Calvary Chapel Christian School has a racially nondiscriminatory policy, which means that the school admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin. All rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded are made available to all students at school. Calvary Chapel Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, or other school-administered programs. This is true to our call to provide a learning environment founded uncompromisingly in Christ.

We are committed to accepting for admission those students who are prepared to be led to grow in Christ, as students demonstrating a history or pattern of rebellion or disobedience toward authority, or a pattern of aggression toward others, may not be ready to enter our school. In such circumstances, we will facilitate appropriate ministry involvement for the families of these students through Calvary Chapel Tucson. We are also committed to maintaining contact with these families over time in order that the necessary preparation to grow in Christ is fostered and opportunities are created for these students to demonstrate their readiness to be led to grow in Christ. After such preparation is evident, they will be considered for admission to our school.

Academic Standards Policy

It is the belief of CCCS that a quality education is the result of:

  • A curriculum that integrates God's Truth into all courses and adequately prepares the student for future educational endeavor;
  • Teachers that are Christian in philosophy and;
  • Class sizes that enable the student to derive maximum benefit from his/her academic exposure.

Each student is expected to use all available school and home resources and to perform at his/her highest level in order to take full advantage of the educational program. Student originality and creativity are encouraged within the organized framework of the classroom.

Disciplinary Policy Statement

The discipline policy of the school is intended to establish a classroom environment conducive toward learning. Discipline is training that develops self‑control and character, as well as the attitude of submission to authority.

The school's discipline policies include instruction, correction, punishment, and reward. All of these elements are Biblical principles and a balance between punishment and reward is essential.

A detailed description of the individual teacher's complete discipline plan must be written and submitted for approval by the school administration.


Parents want what is best for their children, according to God's will, and we share that desire at CCCS. At CCCS, we provide a biblical, Christ-centered environment that we believe will help children flourish and grow as God intends. We understand that children have varied rates of learning, learning styles, interests and abilities. CCCS is committed to meeting those needs, both spiritually and academically, by providing inspiring, engaging and challenging learning environments. We also place a strong emphasis on mutual respect and high levels of achievement. We believe these elements are necessary to fulfill what we believe the will of the Lord is for our school.

Godly character is the foundation upon which we encourage students to build upon, as they move toward the call God has placed on their lives. We suggest that CCCS families integrate themselves with the body of Christ at CCT, forming bonds through ministry and fellowship. We believe that God accomplishes His will for us through these bonds. By encouraging Christian families in this way, we at CCCS can instruct students in the development of godly character within their families, school, church, and community.

We are committed to providing opportunities for students to learn about, and serve in Christian ministry. Our prayer for CCCS families is the same prayer Paul prayed for the Ephesians.

My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. Hebrews 12:5-6 (NIV)


Discipline your son, for in that there is hope. Proverbs 19:18 (NIV)


No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11 (NIV)

The American Heritage Dictionary defines discipline as "Training that is expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement." A critical element of a child's education is discipline as it applies to his or her behavior in school. Calvary Chapel Christian School will co-labor with families to apply godly, just, and fair discipline to our students.

Calvary Chapel Christian School recognizes the need to clearly communicate student and parent expectations regarding student behavior. This is the goal of the Discipline Policy.

CCCS Credo:

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…and your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37-39

Matthew 22:37-39 is an expectation for all members of the Calvary Chapel Christian School community. While it applies to all situations, it is intended to be applied especially in settings outside the classroom such as playgrounds, Solid Ground, and hallways.

Our purpose is to define a biblical standard of behavior and interaction by which each individual's words and actions may be tested.

The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them. Psalm 11:4 (NIV)


Though you probe my heart and examine me at night, though you test me, you will find nothing; I have resolved that my mouth will not sin. Psalm 17:3 (NIV)

Our students are taught that love is obedience.

Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth. Psalm 26:2-3 (NIV)

Classroom Discipline Policy

Primary Classroom Rules

Be loving. "Proverbs 10:12, "Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins." Proverbs 17:19 "He who covers a transgression seeks love, But he who repeats a matter separates friends."

Be obedient. Proverbs 21:2 "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts.

Be diligent. II Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not

need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Be attentiveProverbs 4:1 "Listen, [my] sons, to a father's discipline, and pay attention so that you may gain understanding,

Be self-controlled.He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city (Proverbs 16:32 NKJV).

The Plan -The student will begin in the wise column, but will be moved down with each infraction. This would be done on a daily basis with students implemented by the use of a Student Chart.

Wise: Hooray! Thinking God's ways and acting like Jesus

Simple: Warning making simple mistakes—think first!

Foolish: Parent communication (PC) Not thinking or acting God's way

Scornful: Administrative Referral going against God

Breaking any of the above rules will be handled by the Teacher and a Parent Notification Form may be issued. If a point is issued, a Parent Notification will be emailed home. Each Time

Primary Elementary Discipline System

Move to simple 5 -10 minutes time out

Move to foolish 10 minutes lost recess (or 10 sentences)

Move to scorner Immediate phone call to parent

Severe Disruption Immediately sent home

Severe Disruptions may include: hitting, pushing, kicking, cursing, biting, pinching

If a student violates school policies not listed above (however, specified in the Parent/Student Handbook), Administrative Referral, or further disciplinary action.

Parents: Please note this important information on Severe Disruptions:
  • Fees – A $10 fee will be assessed to any child not picked up within 40 minutes of notification.
  • Student will remain removed from the class until picked up.
  • Students not picked up within 40 minutes of notification will not be allowed back to school the following day.

At any point for serious violations, a suspension may be issued, a "Conditional Probation Contract" may be drawn up or an expulsion issued at the discretion of Administration. Administration reserves the right to amend these policies as needed.

Upper Elementary Discipline

Each student will be expected to:

Be loving. "Proverbs 10:12, "Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins." Proverbs 17:19 "He who covers a transgression seeks love, But he who repeats a matter separates friends."

Be obedient. Proverbs 21:2 "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts.

Be diligent. II Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not

need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Be attentiveProverbs 4:1 "Listen, [my] sons, to a father's discipline, and pay attention so that you may gain understanding,

Be self-controlled.He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city (Proverbs 16:32 NKJV).

Discipleship is learning how to make good decisions. Proverbs gives us understanding of different types of people.

The wise:
  • Thinking God's Thoughts and acting God's way
  • We become wise by consistently making wise choices
  • Acting as Jesus would act
  • Thinking as Jesus would think
  • Scripture: Proverbs 4:7, Luke 2:52, James 1:5, Psalm 51:6, Ecclesiastes 2:26
The simple:
  • A follower … a very gullible person
  • Is easily deceived by others
  • Can't see the trouble or consequences that are coming
  • God's Word will make this person wise and help him not to believe all he sees or hears
  • Scripture: Proverbs 14:15, 13:20, 22:3, 9:25, 21:11, 9:4-6
The foolish:
  • Doesn't see anything wrong with what she is doing
  • Enjoys getting into mischief…Must be corrected
  • Brings grief and sorrow to his parents
  • Quick to quarrel…Quick tempered
  • Does not flee temptation…She thinks what she is doing is right
  • Scripture: Proverbs 10:23, 17:25 10:1, 19:13, 15:20, 29:11, 14:16
The scorner/mocker:
  • Bad attitude, angry, disgusted
  • Sometimes passive/aggressive in the use of body language
  • Dislikes and does not listen to those who correct him
  • Causes quarrels and strife
  • Wants to solve problems herself, not God's way
  • Scripture: Proverbs 15:12, 13:1, 22:10, 24:9, 14:6

Breaking any of the above rules will be handled by the Teacher and a Parent Notification Form may be issued. If a point is issued, a Parent Notification will be e-mailed. Each Parent Notification will be assigned a specific number of points depending on the violations. The Point system below will be followed:

Upper Elementary Discipline System

1-3 points in a day - Student chooses to write 25 sentences per point; due the

following morning.

4 points in a day - Student chooses Lunch Detention; Parents called for prayer

2 detentions in a week - Afterschool Detention

If a student violates school policies not listed above (however, specified in the Parent/Student Handbook), it may result in a Suspension, Administrative Referral, or further disciplinary action.

Cell Phone and IPod Violation – Automatic Saturday School Detention for the first offense. Second violation will result in a suspension from school.

Parents: Please note this important information on Severe Disruptions:

  • Fees – A $10 fee will be assessed to any child not picked up within 40 minutes of notification of being sent home.
  • Student will remain removed from the class until picked up.
  • Students not picked up within 40 minutes of notification will not be allowed back to school the following day.

At any point for serious violations, a suspension may be issued, a "Conditional Probation Contract" may be drawn up or an expulsion issued at the discretion of Administration. Administration reserves the right to amend these policies as needed.


Regular attendance is vital to success. Parents should make every effort to have their children in school to help support us as we seek to develop their lives spiritually, academically, and socially.

Excused Absences
  1. When a child is going to be absent, parents are to leave a message with the school office (520) 731-2100, by 8:30 a.m. In your message please state: your name, the name of the child who will be absent, thereason for the absence
  1. *The call needs to be made by the child's parent or legal guardian.
  1. Upon their return to the classroom, children are to provide a written note to the homeroom teacher explaining the reason for the absence.

The only excused reasons for school absences are: illness of the student, bereavements, verifiable medical, dental, or optical appointments (appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours whenever possible), personal reasons—a note must be written by parents to the teacher prior to the absence. All schoolwork must be made up in accordance to the Makeup Work Policy.

  1. A series or pattern of unexcused absences may jeopardize a student's enrollment
  2. Sickness resulting in five or more days of absence will require a doctor's note before the student can return to school.
  3. If a student is absent for three consecutive weeks or more due to illness, the family must arrange for a private tutor or homebound education.
Planned Absence

At least three days prior to an absence for personal reasons, parents are encouraged to inform the teacher of the child's absence. It is the parents' responsibility to coordinate the makeup of missed schoolwork with the child's teachers.

Attendance Records

The office manager will supervise all attendance records. Daily records will be kept for every student and entered on his or her permanent record at the end of the school year.

Leaving School

To ensure a safe, secure environment, all parents who arrive before 2:45 p.m. to pick up their children must first report to the school office. Students will not be dismissed to parents directly from their classroom, but from the school office after their parents have signed them out.


Two important disciplines taught at CCCS are promptness and preparation. Promptness denotes that students are in their proper places on time, and preparation denotes that students are ready for class each day with the necessary materials and completed assignments. Repeated tardiness or a lack of preparedness for class will jeopardize a student's success.

A student is tardy if he or she is not present in class at 8:15 a.m. If a student arrives at school later than 8:30 a.m., a parent must accompany the child to the office to obtain a pass before going to class. Tardiness and/or the release before the end of the school day is discouraged except for student medical appointments that cannot be scheduled during non-school hours.

Students arriving after 11:30 a.m. or leaving before 11:30 a.m. will receive a half-day absence.

Tardiness affects not only the tardy student, but disrupts students in the class. It is the parents' and student's responsibility to be at school and in class on time. The bell schedule allows for a 5-minute passing period between classes. All students are expected to be in class and seated at the time the bell rings at the start of the class. A student is considered "tardy" if they are not seated at the time the bell rings.

If a secondary student is tardy at the beginning of the school day they must report to the office for a admit slip.

If a student is tardy during the school day, he should go directly to class. All tardies are recorded by the teacher and are considered "unexcused" unless the student has an acceptable written excuse from their parent or teacher.

If a staff member detains a student, they will be given a Hall Pass indicating the reason for detainment.

If a student is more than 15 minutes late to class, they are considered absent and must get a re-admit slip from the school office. If they do not have a note, the school office will mark the re-admit slip "Truant".

Parents of students who are continually tardy will be required to meet with an administrator to resolve the problem.

When a student accumulates three unexcused tardies in any one course/class, the student will receive an absence in that class in addition to any disciplinary action taken by the teacher. Ten absences will cause the high school student to lose their credit for that class, regardless of the grade earned in the class.

A tardy may be excused with written permission from another teacher, administrator, or the school office due to emergencies, illnesses, or unusual circumstances.


Truancy is an absence without the knowledge and consent of parents and/or school staff. This includes leaving school without permission before the end of the school day, or staying out of scheduled class or activity without permission. Such action will not be tolerated. Possible consequences of being truant will include:

First offense:Possible suspension. Parents are notified.

Second offense: Meet with an administrator and parent. One to three day suspension

Third offense: Possible expulsion from CCCS.

Conduct and Spiritual life

One of the unique purposes of CCCS is to prepare Christian young people for effective service for Christ in whatever career they choose. Since only those who are truly Christian can perform effective Christian service, CCCS desires for each student a vital, personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, and asks all students to measure their lives by scriptural standards of conduct.

Each student should understand that attending CCCS is a privilege granted to those who will demonstrate a spirit of harmony with the philosophy and goals of the school. By applying for admission to CCCS a student indicates his/her desire to become a sincere, cooperative member of the student body.

Spiritual growth is never the result of superimposed rules, and therefore CCCS' standards of conduct are not designed merely to produce a pattern of outward conformity.

The school desires that students demonstrate, by their conduct, an inward acceptance of Christ and an attitude of submission to His Lordship. It is hoped that all students will be led by the Holy Spirit to live above the letter of the rules and standards. To produce an environment that will encourage these goals, CCCS expects every student to demonstrate, by attitude and behavior, a life committed to following Christ. "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." (I Timothy 4:12)

While attending CCCS, all students are expected to follow the guidelines stated herein 365 days a year, on and off campus!

Code of Conduct

I will strive to discover my God-given talents, to develop those abilities fully, and to devote those talents to a lifetime of learning, serving, and honoring God.

I will not use or be associated with the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.

I will honor God by maintaining a lifestyle of sexual purity.

I will refrain from the use of profanity, vulgarity, or any other type of writing, print material, Innuendo, or conversation that is inappropriate for a Christian.

I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I tolerate such activity.

I will show respect for authority and submit myself to the teachers and administration of Calvary Chapel Christian School, realizing that attendance at CCCS is a privilege, not a right.

My dress and my appearance will not only comply with the dress code of CCCS, but it will also reflect Christian modesty and values.

My relationship with other students will be based on the principles of Christ's love. I will show care and concern for others in my speech and my actions.

I will support the Statement of Faith as it is applied to instruction throughout the curriculum.

I will uphold this code of conduct at school, at school activities, and outside of school.

Homework Policy

The CCCS' Board recognizes the educational value and importance of homework for students. We believe that meaningful home study is a necessary part of each pupil's educational program and that it should be related to the educational philosophy and goals of the school. Homework should be a purposeful extension of the school day which provides the student with additional opportunities for the development and reinforcement of the school's instructional objectives.

The assignment of homework should be regular and reasonable, and is encouraged when it contributes to the student's education through individual work, responsibility, completion of projects, and the establishment of good study habits. The completion of homework assignments should be recorded by the instructor and included in the evaluation of the student's progress. Christ-like character qualities of responsibility, initiative, orderliness and thoroughness are developed as a result of homework.


Our homework policy is expressed in numbers of minutes-per-night that is appropriate for each grade level based upon three (3) premises:

The amount of homework time that is developmentally appropriate expressed within designated ranges meets the needs of the majority of students in any class. Conversely, there is an amount of time, either too much or too little, that is not developmentally appropriate for children. It is our responsibility to assign an amount of homework for our students that is developmentally appropriate for the majority of the class by assigning one standard assignment.

In every classroom, there is a minority of students who learn at rates that are either significantly slower or significantly faster than the norm of the class. In order to accommodate these students, we need to adjust homework amounts that are developmentally appropriate. This is accomplished by expanding or reducing the "standard" assignment.

The appropriate functions of homework are:

Reinforcement of subject matter

Enrichment of subject matter

Development of traits, such as, responsibility and organization

An inappropriate function of homework is instruction of content. We may assign amounts of homework that are developmentally appropriate and that accommodate the rates of all our students by designating one standard assignment to meet the needs of the majority of the class, and, as indicated by the learning rates of that minority of students needing an accommodation, an assignment of a reduced or expanded amount. This can be accomplished while minimizing gaps in student learning and achievement by ensuring that the function of the assignment is to reinforce content, rather than to instruct content.

Accommodating students' needs by ensuring the amount assigned is developmentally appropriate and adjusting homework assignments for that minority of "different rate" learners is indeed challenging. It is also critical to meeting the spiritual, academic, and social needs of our students. By assigning homework that is developmentally appropriate we will glorify God by facilitating a godly balance reflecting biblical priorities in the lives of Calvary Chapel Christian School families.

Grade Level Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays

Kindergarten: 0-20 minutes

Grade 1: 30-45 minutes

Grade 2: 40-50 minutes

Grade 3: 45-60 minutes

Grade 4: 50-75 minutes

Grade 5: 60-85 minutes

Grade 6: 70-95 minutes

CCCS families are encouraged to maintain open communication regarding accomplishing the above time-frames with teachers. This is important in order to balance academic rigor with godly priorities and family time.

Teachers should coordinate test dates with each other to avoid too many tests being administered on the same day.

Elementary students will have a Week-At-A-Glance (WAAG) which will show their weekly assignments. Jr. High students will be responsible for recording their weekly assignments. Teachers will post a monthly assignment/project calendar are the website.

Late Work

Every assignment turned in on time will receive full credit. Students who choose to turn in late work will receive one point for each assignment and the work will be graded as follows:

On time: Full Credit

1 day late with an excused absence: Full Credit (grace)

1 day late with no excuse: 80% of grade earned

2 days late with no excuse: 60% of grade earned

3 days late with no excuse: 40% of the grade earned

After 4 days late with no excuse: 0 is recorded in grade book

Make up Work

Students will be given the amount of time they are absent for an excused absence to make-up work. If a student is absent one day they will be given one day to turn in make-up work. If they are absent three days they will be given three days to turn in make-up work. This does not apply to tests or projects that have had advanced notice.

If the student knows that they will be going out of town the assignments will be given ahead of time. Assignments will be due the day the student returns to school.