Methodology & Curriculum
CCCS curriculum features a traditional, well-balanced core of essential subjects:
- CCCS follows the time-proven educational building blocks of Proverbs (knowledge, understanding, wisdom).
- All subjects are presented cumulatively, with each lesson building upon previously acquired knowledge and understanding.
- Our desire is to balance homework, allowing time for spiritual growth and family. Homework generally takes 1.5-2hours daily.
We have four paths to graduation, offering students the opportunity to pursue the direction God has called them. You can find our graduation plans here
Curriculum by Subject
Biblical Studies
The vision for the Bible department at Calvary Chapel High School is to encourage students in their faith in Jesus Christ, and equip them with a Christian worldview. To accomplish this goal, students are required to attend daily Bible classes in all grade levels. The students' comprehension of Scripture will be assessed using journals, reports, tests and discussion. The Bible department will facilitate opportunities for students to fulfill their 8 hour community service requirement each semester so they may love out their faith throughout their time here at Calvary.
{slider Freshman Bible (Grade 9) + |closed}
Credit: Bible – Graduation Requirement
This course is an introduction to the Christian faith with a focus on foundational issues including: the deity of Christ, proof of God's existence, why God allows evil and the reliability of the Bible. Students spend a good portion of this year identifying their identity in Christ. Opportunities for prayer, reading and personal devotion are given so that students might grow deeper in their faith. Text: Bible, Search for Significance
{slider Sophomore Bible (Grade 10) +}
Credit: Bible – Graduation Requirement
This course introduces students to a book-by-book survey of the Old Testament. Students will learn about the historical, cultural, and theological background of the world of the Old Testament. There will be a focus on how Jesus Christ is pictured and prophesied in the Old Testament, as well as ways in which God reveals Himself to the world through the story of the people of Israel through familiar Bible characters. In addition, students will be encouraged in areas of Bible reading, prayer, and devotional opportunities
{slider Junior Bible (Grade 11) +}
Credit: Bible – Graduation Requirement
This course introduces students to a book-by-book survey of the New Testament. Students will learn about the historical, cultural, and theological background of the world of the New Testament and practical ways that they can apply those things in our world today. An emphasis is placed upon Christian living, doctrine, character studies, individual book themes, and devotional reflection upon the life of Jesus Christ.
{slider Senior Bible (Grade 12) +}
Credit: Bible – Graduation Requirement
This course helps students understand and articulate a Christian worldview through disciplines like theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, etc. The nature of this class is to see how a biblically informed Christian worldview tackles the issues of life in a way that is glorifying to God, representative of Christ, faithful to the Scriptures, and explanatory to an unbelieving audience who is observing what a Christian says and does. Students will compare and contrast Christianity to other significant world-views held today, understanding the significant differences between them. The goal for students is to learn to defend, articulate, and grow in their Christian worldview. In addition, class will have biblical studies to grow their hearts deeper in our love and knowledge of Jesus and His Word. Text: Beyond Opinion {/sliders}
The study of language and literature is a study of works that have shaped our culture and our thinking; the way we use language becomes a key to effective communication, powerful expression and clear thinking. To this end, all English courses will stress the conventions of language (grammar, syntax, mechanics, figurative language, vocabulary), reading, critical thinking, speaking and listening. Students will learn to confidently approach the various writing situations with which they will be faced. In the same way, students will learn to read well for various purposes.
Great works cannot be fully appreciated in isolation. The literature in English at CCHS will often parallel the same year's courses in history and Bible to reinforce understanding of the truths of Scripture and of the world as a whole. In the same way that language, writing, and literature study are often naturally integrated, English, social science and Bible relate closely.
{slider Excellence in Literature (Grade 9) + |closed}
Credit: English – College Prep
This course exposes students to a variety of genres: short story, non-fiction, poetry, drama and the novel while exploring themes and identifying literary devices. Through extensive work in grammar, mechanics, syntax, vocabulary and usage, students gain skills necessary for competent writing. Emphasis is placed on composition, structure and substance. Students will complete a variety of writing, including narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and literary analysis. Thesis formulation and support are emphasized through frequent practice and revision. Students work through Excellence in Writing and Excellence in Literature through this class.
{slider World Literature (Grade 10) +}
Credit: English – College Prep
Students continue grammar work and extensive vocabulary study. Composition skills will be shaped by topics that demonstrate range and diversity. Literature from Classical Greece to the present parallels the 10th grade World History course. Great emphasis is placed on the expansion and practical integration of students' higher vocabulary. Poetry, literary analysis and composition skills will continue to be developed.
{slider American Literature (Grade 11) +}
Credit: English – College Prep
Students will become familiar with and well versed in the chronological eras of American Literature, and in a variety of American literary genres, including the novel, short story, poetry, biography, auto-biography and essay. Through writing assignments of various styles and lengths, students will mature and refine their writing skills and develop public speaking skills through frequent speeches and debates. Students will produce book reports and a well-researched and documented term papers, with weekly lessons, vocabulary will be built and increased.
{slider British Literature (Grade 12) +}
Credit: English – College Prep
In this course the students will study the development of British literature. They will learn to recognize the characteristics of major chronological eras and relate the literary works and authors studied to the major themes and issues of those eras. The students will read and analyze a variety of selections, including independent reading books, with emphasis on recognizing and describing plot, characterization, theme and logical argument. Writing will include reflective analytical essays on the assigned literature, and presenting that analysis logically, effectively, and correctly. A review of the principles of English usage and mechanics will be provided as preparation for college level composition classes. Students will use organizational skills, audience awareness, appropriate vocabulary and grammar and both verbal and non-verbal presentation skills to plan and deliver oral presentations. Students will also produce book reports and a well-researched and documented term paper. {/sliders}
Social Science
Social Science covers the whole spectrum of the human experience, fundamentally man's interaction with God and man's interaction with his fellow man. We desire to expand our students' knowledge in the area of man's environment (Geography), his creation and development (History) and his society and wealth (Government and Economics). We seek to provide the students with an understanding of the past as a tool to anticipate what the future will hold. By looking at real world cultures and societies of the past and present, we can see, firsthand, what can result when Biblical principles are followed and what can happen when they are not. Through the guidance of their instructors, students will continually develop learning skills by researching, analyzing information, as well as refining their writing ability.
{slider Cultural Geography + |closed}
Grade 9
Credit: Geography – College Prep
The course begins by covering the mechanics of geography, such as the earth's planetary attributes, latitude and longitude, seasons, climate, etc., as a means to build map skills. These topics will be integrated into a regional study of the world, with an emphasis on human topics, such as the effect of the physical environment on culture, history (with a special focus on non-western areas), religion and economics.
{slider World History +}
Grade 10
Credit: World History – College Prep
This course begins with ancient cultures and civilizations, highlighting various aspects of church history, followed by the Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Discovery, Revolution, Romanticism and Nationalism. The course ends with the Modern Age, World and Cold Wars. Students will utilize writing, analytical and communication skills in the form of writing assignments, research papers and oral presentations.
{slider U.S. History +}
Grade 11
Credit: US History – College Prep
US History is intended for qualified students and is equivalent to an entry-level college course. It is a comprehensive in-depth study of American history from the 15th to 21st centuries. This course emphasizes analytical thought, written and verbal argumentation skills, interpretation of primary sources documents and memorization.
{slider American Government & Economics +}
Grade 12
Credit: American Government – College Prep
This course provides instruction in the principles of American government with particular concern placed upon the legislative, executive and judicial functions of the National, state, and local levels of government. In addition, students will increase their understanding of the United States Constitution with an emphasis on the Bill of Rights. In the second semester of this year, students study economics and Godly money management principals.{/sliders}
The science program provides necessary background and skills from which students become scientifically literate in order to make responsible decisions. The classes actively involve students in problem solving, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and verbal and written communications. Through scientific exploration students develop an appreciation of such processes as to investigate and discover natural relationships in the world.
{slider Physical Science + |closed}
Grade 9
Credit: Lab Science
*Meets HS graduation requirement for Lab Science and qualifies as a college prep elective
This lecture-laboratory course is broken down into six units that incorporate a single theme: matter, the component of the universe. The course will cover the philosophy of science, basic structure of matter, measurements, the atom, the periodic table, chemical bonding, reactions, solutions, acids and bases, and an introduction to mechanics. All of these units clearly reveal the majesty of God and the fact that the entire universe is maintained by His infinite power. This course also lays the groundwork for future classes in physics and chemistry.
{slider Biology +}
Grade 10
Credit: Life Science – College Prep
Biology is a college-preparatory course emphasizing the process of scientific investigation through the study of living things. This lecture-laboratory survey class is designed to expose students to the scope of biology. Special emphasis is placed on the following disciplines: cytology, genetics, creation and evolution, zoology-vertebrates, ecology, human anatomy and physiology. This course requires participation in animal dissections and field trips (There will be an additional fee for all field trips).
{slider Chemistry +}
Grades 11-12
Credit: Lab Science – College Prep
Prerequisite: Completion of Biology/Biology Honors with a C or better
Chemistry is a laboratory science which studies the materials of the universe and the changes that these materials undergo. This course presents a study of matter, elements, atoms, ions, nomenclature, measurements and calculations, chemical compositions, introduction to reactions, reactions in aqueous solutions, chemical quantitates, energy, modern atomic theory, chemical bonding, gases, liquids and solids, solutions, acids and bases and equilibrium. Many of the topics are reinforced with a laboratory exercise to provide the students with first-hand experience in applying the concepts studied.
{slider Physics +}
Grades 11-12
Credit: Lab Science – College Prep
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra II with a B or better both semesters or Administrator approval.
Physics is a laboratory science which studies the natural laws God has instituted to govern the operation of the physical universe. This course presents a study of mechanics, including one and two-dimensional motion, forces, work and energy, momentum, rotational motion and torque; heat and thermodynamics, including changes in temperature and phase, heat and work, thermodynamic processes, heat engines and the laws of thermodynamics; an introduction to waves, sound, light, reflection, refraction and distraction. Many of the topics are reinforced with a laboratory exercise to provide the students with a first-hand experience in applying the concepts studied. {/sliders}
The study of Mathematics provides a glimpse of the creative attributes of God. Through mathematics, students have the opportunity to better understand the world around them and the God of order and logic. They can further appreciate their world and the universe God created. The math curriculum teaches students how to apply mathematical concepts in everyday life and to further their growth in abstract reasoning, critical thinking and problem solving. Students will discover the workings of mathematics in many disciplines and careers. The math program will help students develop skills required to function in daily situations and prepare those students who desire to pursue studies in advanced mathematics in a college or university.
{slider Algebra 1 + |closed}
Grade 9/10
Credit: Math – College Prep
Prerequisite: Freshmen are required to pass a placement exam
This course is the Arizona State minimum mathematics requirement for graduation from high school. This course delves into the basic concept of function and reinforces algebraic thinking. Topics covered include slope, graphs, linear and quadratic equations, exponential functions, polynomials, rational expressions and radicals. Projects using a graphing calculator will explore applications of algebra and analysis.
{slider Fundamentals +}
Grades 9/10
Credit: Math – College Prep
{slider Algebra II/Trigonometry +}
Grades 11-12
Credit: Math – College Prep
Prerequisite: Geometry with grades of C's or better both semesters
The second year of algebra develops mastery of algebraic skills required for further progress in mathematics and for number literacy in society. After reviewing principles of equations and functions covered in Algebra I, the course will continue a study of exponentials, quadratic functions and graphs, real and complex number systems, logarithms, sequences, probabilities, matrices with determinants, and trigonometric functions.
{slider Pre-Calculus +}
Grades 11-12
Credit: Math – College Prep
Prerequisite: Algebra II/Trig with grades of C's or better both semesters
This advanced course aims to prepare students for further pursuit in mathematics, particularly calculus. Using analysis and critical thinking skills, students make connections between the realms of algebra and geometry in order to form a holistic view of math. Verbal participation and proper use of academic language are required. At the end of the year, students will have a more profound understanding of the depth of functions, solutions, graphs and their properties, complex numbers, logarithms, trigonometry, and limits.
Grades 11-12
Credit: Math – College Prep
Prerequisite: PreCalculus with grades of C's or better both semesters
World Language
To study a world language is to discover new worlds. Learning another language not only helps us to communicate with people in diverse parts of the world, but also provides opportunities to experience different cultural perspectives and view people in a whole new way. It is a skill set essential in preparing American students to work and live in an increasingly global society. To this end, all world language courses will stress the use of the language in the classroom on a daily basis in both written and oral communication. As an integral part of their study, students will be exposed to numerous aspects of the culture including the history, art, literature, foods, holidays and traditions related to the language they are studying. The benefits of studying another language extend far beyond the knowledge of that language.
{slider Spanish I (Grade 9-10) + |closed}
Credit: Elective – College Prep
This course is designed as an introductory course in world language. It will introduce the student to the culture, language and the people of Spanish-speaking countries. This course will focus on developing the initial listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to becoming proficient in the language.
{slider Spanish II (Grade 10-11) +}
Prerequisite: Spanish I with grades of C's or better both semesters or Administrator approval
This course, taught in both English and Spanish, will help the students attain proficiency in the four skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. The students will learn the language within the context of the contemporary Spanish-speaking world and its culture.
{slider Spanish III (Grade 11-12) +}
Prerequisite: Spanish II with grades of C's or better both semesters or Administrator approval
This course is conducted in English and Spanish and emphasizes the review of grammatical concepts. Stress is placed on speaking and listening skills and conversational fluency. A study of Spanish America's civilization and culture is also emphasized through the use of selected representative literary works by Latin American authors. {/sliders}
General Electives
{slider Theater Arts (Grades 9-12) + |closed}
Credit: Fine Art
This course prepares students to write, prepare for, and perform a theater performance for others. Topics include monologues, improvisation, script writing, blocking, stage management, and performance.
{slider Creative Writing (Grades 9-12) +}
Credit: Fine Art
Creative Writing allows students to express themselves creatively through written word. At the end of this class, students have a portfolio of written work.
{slider Music (Grades 9-12) +}
Credit: Fine Art
This course varies based on student interest and includes learning piano, guitar, and other instruments. Students at any level from beginner to expert can enroll in this class. An emphasis of using music in praise and worship is included in every Music class at CCCS.
Credit: Elective
This course introduces students to computer programming and allows them the opportunity to earn college credit. Optionally, students can take the AP Exam at the end of the year.
{slider Family and Consumer Science (Grade 9) +}
Credit: Elective
This course discusses major life skills and is designed to explore themes relevant to post graduation preparation. Students will learn valuable skills that will prepare them for the independence and responsibilities they will encounter as young adults. Learning to make healthy and informed decisions for roles present and future such as living on their own, college life, job skills and relationships with friends, parents, spouses, raising children, in-laws, and caregivers. Students will have opportunities to explore, discuss and practice skills crucial to success. Can be taken more than once for credit.
{slider Health +}
Credit: Elective -- Graduation Requirement
This course is designed to aid students in their knowledge of first aid, CPR techniques and health practices. Instruction is also given in social interaction, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, socially transmitted diseases and other items dealing with health. Students work on both individual and group projects. {/sliders}
As students begin their journey here at Calvary we want to emphasize the need to continually live out their faith in the real world. In each subject it is our goal to find ways that will allow students the opportunity to give back to their communities and serve as Jesus wants us to do.
Serving our community will be a school wide goal for us and we will accomplish this in many different ways. To serve those in need can start where it is needed the most, at our local hospitals. There are many children that are in intensive care or seriously ill or injured.
Along with learning about our bodies and how amazing God has created us in science, we understand that sin has degenerated our world which has led to disease and defects. We want to come along side and give encouragement and prayer to these families in their time of need.
Understanding our world and the pain that sin has caused, we need to go out and experience other cultures as well. We will travel to Mexico so that we can participate in building homes and helping at a local orphanage as well. These are just a few of the ways that we would love for the kids to be involved and "rock this city" with the Love of Jesus.